Louise Huebner American Celebrity Witch

from the audio walk Witch Walk Knowle | Bristol

Witch Walk Knowle
11 Stations
38:11 min Audio
Louise Huebner American Celebrity Witch

Louise Huebner recording ‘You Cant Turn Back’ from her Album Seduction Through Witchcraft

Louise Huebner (March 22, 1930 - September 1, 2014) was an American author of occult books, astrologer, and the only officially appointed Official Witch in the entire world. She was given the title of “Official Witch of Los Angeles County” from the supervisor of the third district of Los Angeles County in 1968 during a series of summer concerts sponsored by her at the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

The designation of “Official Witch” took place in 1968 at the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, California, when the Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation asked her to help them promote a series of concerts at the Hollywood Bowl. The invitation was extended because she had produced festivities in fourteen separate communities for a Los Angeles Birthday celebration, so the county asked her to do for them what she had done for the city, that was to generate tremendous positive media exposure for it, good publicity.

The Hollywood Bowl was planning a series of 12 summer concerts for Sunday afternoons, which the title was “Twelve Summer Sunday Concerts at the Hollywood Bowl”. The first concert they had planned which opened the season in the summer of 1968 was called “Folklore Day”. She cast a spell to increase the sexual vitality of the entire County. At that time Los Angeles County had 78 Cities. She was given the official title of “Official Witch of Los Angeles County”, right one week before the spellcast took place. She was given a legal document, a certificate that stated she was designed that way because of her supernatural powers. The certificate was affixed with the County Seal and was signed by the chairman of the Board of County Supervisors, at that time, Ernest Debs. On the day of the event, 11.000 people were at the Hollywood Bowl for the Spellcast. Red candles, salt and garlic were distributed to people who chanted all together a spell led by Louise Huebner on stage. Members of the neo-pagan Wiccan movement were somewhat upset by Louise Huebner, for she was not a part of their emerging movement, and tended to perpetuate what they felt were negative stereotypes of witches.

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