Audio Walk Friedrichshain | Berlin

Price: 11.99 €

Audio walk by stadt im ohr | Ruben Kurschat

23 Stations
94:48 min Audio
3.26 km directions_walk favorite 167
Languages: German English
Audio Walk Friedrichshain

The Friedrichshain audiotour deals with farmer’s cottages and worker’s palaces, with backyards and alternative living spaces. Experience in this walk along radio play what is worth knowing about and what is surprising about one of the liveliest city quarters of Berlin.

During the approximately 2.5 hour long walk from Karl-Marx Allee to the neighborhood of Boxhagener Platz, the young Berliner Claudia accompanies you, who, when it comes to guiding you around the city, really engages in competition with this mysterious device “Discoverer”. Also present are Rosi, a true Berlin mongrel, George, a visitor to the city, an original inhabitant of Stalinallee, the architecture critic Bruno Flierl and last but not least Otto Grotewohl himself, the first Prime Minister of the GDR…

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