Audio tours in Nuremberg

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Tiergarten Nürnberg

favorite 8
place Nürnberg person smartguide24
4.99 € 45 stations
52:21 min
Erkunden Sie den Tiergarten Nürnberg! Es gibt keine festgelegte Route, Sie können sich frei durch den Tiergarten bewegen. An den einzelnen Gehegen erfahren Sie an 46 Stationen Wissenswertes über die Tiere.
1. Willkommen
2. Weißhandgibbons
3. Hirschziegenantilopen
4. Löffelhunde
5. Wüstenhaus
... (40 more)

The Imperial Castle of Nuremberg

favorite 6
place Nürnberg person kasmas
free 11 stations
15:56 min | 472 m
Audio-Guide Tour about the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg
1. Start at the big tree for general informations
2. Buildings erected by the free city
3. Pentagonal Tower
4. Castle Wall
5. Castle Bailiff's Building
... (6 more)

Time Out!

place Nürnberg person Mellepatricia
free 7 stations
13:44 min | 20.88 km
1. Sommer in der City, Stadtstrand
2. Rock im Park
3. Volksfestplatz
4. Christkindelsmarkt
5. RESI Discothek
... (2 more)

Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds

favorite 4
place Nürnberg person LenaM.
free 3 stations
14:40 min | 1.58 km
This is a guide about the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds. It gives you all the details of this very special place in south nuremberg.
1. Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
2. Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds Topics
3. Nazi Party Rally Grounds

Museum for Industrial Culture Nuremberg

favorite 1
place Nürnberg person Vintagegirl
free 2 stations
11:21 min | 165 m
1. Ground floor
2. Basement level


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