Audio tours in Jersey City
Turn your smartphone into a city guide. Open your eyes and ears and let's go - sightseeing in audio drama format.
Lower Eastside
favorite 7
10 stations
50:01 min
| 3.61 km
In dieser Tour machen wir einen Spaziergang in der Lower Eastside und ich erzähle euch ein bisschen was über meine Nachbarschaft und die Läden und Cafés in der Gegend. Am besten nehmt ihr euch einen ganzen Tag Zeit um das Kreuzkölln von New York z...
1. Schiller's und Tiny Giant
2. Essex Street Market
3. Irving Farm Coffee Roasters
4. Tenement Museum/ Lower Eastside
5. Katz's Deli
... (5 more)
Our NY walking tour
favorite 5
9 stations
30:23 min
| 66.74 km
This is a school project. German students have done research on some of the sights and have given presentations, which I have uploaded here so that we can continue working with the recordings.
1. The Plaza Hotel
2. Times Square
3. Empire State Building
4. Statue of Liberty
5. Ellis Island
... (4 more)